Find Out Why to Prefer to Pasteurize Milk over Boiling It?

If you’re drinking pasteurized milk, then at least you know what you really need and what not by avoiding raw milk. While, for raw milk, which is said to have more nutrients than any forms, it does have the bacteria which can do more harm to our body if not boiled or pasteurized. It would be highly controversial to say that one must avoid raw milk and adopt for having boiled or pasteurized milk, but that’s a fact of life we cannot ignore. Up to my knowledge, I don’t even know a single person or family who doesn’t boil milk before using it for any other purpose.

So, What is Changing Now? Boiled to Pasteurized Milk?

Although the majority of India believes in Boiling milk, they don’t know that boiling and re-boiling of milk at high temperature over a longer period affects the nutritional content of the milk, particularly the B group (B1, B2, B12) of vitamins. Milk is a form of protein. And protein, if boiled multiple times gets denatured. Another disadvantage of re-boiling repeatedly transfer all the major nutrients and fat-soluble vitamins including Vitamin A, B, E and K to that thick layer of cream which forms an upper crust of milk and people usually have a habit of taking out that before drinking it.

Find Out Why to Prefer to Pasteurize Milk over Boiling It?

So, you see, you just took out most of the nutrients from the milk and having that is of no use. Best use of it would be to use in making tea or coffee. That’s it.

A few years back, there was a study conducted by Indian Medical Academy where they took 300 women aged between 25 and 45 years from random cities. And that study revealed that people are not following the correct milk boiling practices. Milk is being boiled and re-boiled on high temperature by them for an extended period and a major percentage don’t even bother to stir it, resulting in a major loss of nutrients.

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The cause study also revealed that Bangaloreans boil milk more than thrice before consuming it. Almost half of the people boil the milk for above 5 minutes and 64% of them don’t bother to even stir while boiling. So, in short, not just people of Bangalore but most of the people in the case study were found that they don’t boil the milk they way it should be. So, we are on a higher chance that we don’t consume quality milk. No Surprise!

Why Does This Happen?

Usually, with the working class people, they have a very casual approach in boiling milk on a daily basis. Either people are not aware of the right practices to boil milk or they might find it difficult to follow these practices. If you ask me, I’ll agree more for the second reason.

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That case study also revealed that 72% of the people find boiling milk as a tedious exercise. And because of such reasons, many people may prefer to drink milk in any way without boiling and suggest other the same like raw milk is more nutritious and all.  But be aware, raw milk in India must not be preferred over Boiled or Pasteurized Milk in any way.

Here’s a comparison between Raw milk and Pasteurized Milk

Raw Milk

Pasteurized Milk

1This milk is the direct milk obtained from a source like Buffalo, Cow or Goat.Pasteurized milk is developed by heating raw milk at a specific temperature of 145°F to 150°F for half an hour and then decreasing the temperature to not more than 55°F. Such process destroys the disease-carrying gems and prevent the souring of milk.
2Raw milk carries dangerous bacteria like E. coli, Listeria and Salmonella which are known to case foodborne illness.Pasteurized milk is free from harmful bacteria.
3Any form of bacteria in raw milk is not suitable for old aged people, pregnant ladies and children.Pasteurized milk is suitable for any person of any age range.
4This milk contains path Pathogens which is the cause of most diseases worldwide.Pasteurization method is known to kill 99.99% of the pathogens from the milk.
5Raw milk has higher Nutritional Value.This process doesn’t reduce any nutritional value of milk
6It has low-storage life.Can be preserved for a longer period.
7Yogurt made from raw milk is considered UNSAFE to eat.You can make any product out of Pasteurized milk and would be considered safe for any age range of people.
8Raw milk contains sugar in a form called Lactose, which helps in digestion.Pasteurization process doesn’t cause lactose intolerance. This process turns Lactose to beta-lactose which is known to be more soluble and get absorbed in the system more rapidly.
9Raw milk contains lots of life-threatening bacteria like Listeria, Streptococcus pyogenes, Salmonella, Brucella,  Mycobacterium bovis and Campylobacter.No such bacteria is present in pasteurized milk.
10Nutritional Value:

  • Calories: 130 | Calories from Fat: 45%
  • Total Fat: 5gm | Saturated Fat: 3gm
  • Cholesterol: 15mg
  • Sodium: 130mg
  • Total Carbohydrages: 12gm (Complete Sugar)
  • Protein: 9gm
  • Vitamin A: 6% | Vitamin C 0%
  • Calcium 30% | Iron 0%
Nutritional Value:

  • Calories: 90
  • Total Fat: 0gm
  • Sodium: 70mg
  • Total Carbohydrages: 11gm (Complete Sugar)
  • Protein: 8gm
  • Vitamin A: 10% | Vitamin C 4%
  • Calcium 30% | Iron 3%
  • Vitamin D: 25%


So What We Should Do Now? Boil Rightly?

Rather than boiling milk, which most think as a tedious exercise including me as well, we should learn to pasteurize milk. Here’s a process to pasteurize milk:

[quote_box_center]Put water in the bottom pan and bring it to boiling.
Pour the raw milk into the top pan. Heat it over the boiling water, stirring constantly.
Use a meat or candy thermometer to determine when the temperature reaches 165° F. and keep it at this temperature for 15 seconds.
Set the pan of hot milk in a container of cold water. Keep the water cold by adding ice.
Continue to stir until the milk is cold, then store in the refrigerator.[/quote_box_center]

Easy No?

OK, I understand, no matter how many times I may please you, you’re not going to follow above procedure daily. Because that doesn’t just sound like an easy task. Even boiling on a gas stove sounds easy than this. But did you just read para just below the pasteurization process in PDF?

Raw milk can also be pasteurized in a microwave oven. Heat to 165°F. using a temperature probe. Stir the milk once or twice during the heating period to equalize the temperature throughout. Cool as directed.

Find the Easiest Way to Pasteurize Milk!

Even using a microwave, I know the majority of the people are not going to do such manual setup on microwave and then taking it out for steering and putting it back for heating it at a lower temperature. Who Does That?

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The best solution of this is to get a microwave which comes with the feature of Pasteurization of Milk. Most microwave ovens available in India didn’t have this feature till LG launched a new Microwave with Pasteurized Milk Feature.

Pasteurize Milk – New Way of Milk Boiling
Pasteurize Milk – New Way of Milk Boiling

In this microwave, a consumer just needs to pour the milk in the lid-covered accessory, pick the required settings and that’s it. Now, you don’t need to monitor the milk till it boils and at no condition, Milk would spill out from the accessory. And then you can use the same accessory to store milk in the refrigerator to avoid any contamination. And I have this same Microwave at home, and milk tastes fresh and is less protein denatured and discoloured when compared to milk obtained after conventional boiling practices. If you have any query regarding this Microwave, you can ask me in comments as I have this at home.

An optimist to the core, I always see the glass half full. I like to take life as it comes and not to become too serious on the harsher aspects of it. Apart from this, I am an Engineer, a Blogger & a Researcher....

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  1. For how long I leave the milk outside at room temperature after pasteurizing it in lg microwave. How long does it stay fresh until I need to Pasteurise/ refrigate again ?

  2. Thanks for the detailed article.. I have the same microwave .. my question is after pasteurization and storing the milk in refrigerator how do you reheat it to serve for kids? You have clearly mentioned not to boil and I read in the manual that we have pasteurize it only once .. so how do we reheat the milk?

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